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“Top 10 Christmas Jokes to

The first man lights a match. “This is a Christmas candle,” he says confidently.

“Very creative,” Saint Peter nods, letting him through.

The second man jingles his keys. “These are Christmas bells,” he grins.

“Not bad!” Saint Peter agrees, opening the gates.

The third man pulls out a pair of red panties.

Confused, Saint Peter asks, “And how are these related to Christmas?”

The man smirks, “They’re Carol’s.”

The Hungover Husband’s Christmas Surprise

Paul wakes up groggy after his company’s Christmas party, unsure of how he got home. He notices a glass of water, aspirin, and a red rose on his nightstand. The room is spotless, his clothes are neatly folded, and a note from his wife reads:
“Breakfast is ready, and I’ve gone to get groceries for your favorite dinner. Love you!”

Paul, baffled, asks his son what happened.
“You got home drunk, smashed into the door, and broke the coffee table,” his son replies.
“Then why is everything so perfect?” Paul asks.

His son shrugs, “When Mom tried to help you, you yelled, ‘Leave me alone! I’m married!’”

The Soldier’s Christmas Wish

Two soldiers reminisce about past holidays while stationed away from home.
“I’ll never forget the Christmas I spent peeling potatoes,” says one soldier.

“What happened?” the other asks.
“When the sergeant asked what I wanted for Christmas, I said, ‘A new sergeant.’”

The Monastic Misprint

A monk named David spends years copying religious texts. Before Christmas, he’s asked to check the originals for accuracy. Hours later, the abbot finds him crying in the archives.
“What’s wrong?” the abbot asks.

David sobs, “We’ve been copying it wrong for centuries. The word wasn’t ‘celibate’… it was ‘celebrate’!”

The Holiday Breakup

On Christmas Eve, a father in Brisbane calls his son in Sydney.
“Your mother and I are divorcing. I just can’t take it anymore,” he says.
Shocked, the son yells, “Don’t do anything! I’ll call my sister!”

Minutes later, the daughter phones her dad, furious.
“You’re NOT getting divorced! We’ll be there tomorrow. Don’t do anything until we arrive!”

The father turns to his wife with a grin, “Well, that’s our Christmas plans sorted. The kids are coming, and they’re paying for their flights!”

The Early Christmas Shopper

A man is on trial just before Christmas. The judge asks, “What are you accused of?”
“Just doing my Christmas shopping early,” the man replies.
“There’s nothing illegal about that,” the judge says. “What time did you start?”
“Before the store opened.”

Airport Mistletoe Mishap

At the airport during the holidays, Dave spots mistletoe above the luggage scale.
Annoyed, he says to the airline attendant, “I wouldn’t kiss you under that tacky mistletoe.”
The attendant smirks, “It’s not for that—it’s so you can kiss your luggage goodbye.”

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