5 Hilarious Jokes That Will Make Your Day

Laughter is a great way to lighten the mood, especially when life gets hectic.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy these jokes!

1. The Cowboy’s Blonde Joke An old, blind cowboy wanders into a biker bar and asks, “Wanna hear a blonde joke?”

A woman warns him: “The bartender, bouncer, and five women here are all blonde.

Still want to tell it?” The cowboy replies, “Nope, not if I’ve gotta explain it five times.”

2. The $25 SUV Arnold finds an SUV on sale for $25.

The seller explains, “My husband left with his secretary and told me to sell his car and send him the money.”

3. The Lazy Employee A new CEO fires a man lounging around.

Afterward, he’s told, “Sir, that was the pizza delivery guy.”

4. The Adoption Surprise Peter’s parents tell him, “You’re adopted,” and when he asks to meet his biological parents, they say, “We’re your biological parents. The new ones are coming in 20 minutes.”

5. The Job Interview During a job interview, a woman takes time answering basic questions. When asked why she hesitated on her name, she explains, “I was singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to myself.”

Share these laughs with friends to brighten their day!

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