Woman Asks People Not to Eat the Food at Her Sister’s Wedding after Revealing Its Origin

Wedding ceremonies are stressful events all on their own without having added hiccups along the way.

One Reddit user felt embarrassed and shocked when her mother repurposed her leftover wedding food months later.

There are frugal people and others; in this story, we’ll look at the former.

A Reddit user took to the platform to ask if she was in the wrong during her older sister’s wedding day when she found out something quite disturbing about the food.

To get some context, the social media user explained that she,

26, and her husband, 27, got married eight months before.

They had a big wedding ceremony and planned for 200 guests.

Wanting to be wise, they’d arranged to have any leftover wedding food given to a soup kitchen they worked with, but the original poster’s (OP) mother had other plans. S

he stored all the leftover food in a garage freezer, unbeknownst to her daughter.

This is where things got bizarre and dangerously unhealthy.

OP’s sister, 30, and her husband had been together for around ten years when they decided to tie the knot for tax reasons.

The couple wanted a courthouse wedding, but OP’s mother begged them to allow her to host a more elaborate event.

OP’s sister relented and agreed to a small ceremony with 50 guests, but since she didn’t like people and hated planning, she allowed their mother to handle everything. All everyone had to do was show up to the event and enjoy. OP thought her sister’s ceremony was lovely, but something looked out of place when the buffet was revealed. She noticed the food looked exactly like hers, just more dried out and sad. The Redditor found a moment to question her mother, who confirmed her suspicions when she said she had saved a fortune.“

OP’s mother had frozen the leftover food for months and now served it to guests. When the poster expressed her concerns, her mother got upset, told her not to act like a “snob,” and that she should be happy that the food wasn’t going to waste. OP argued that the leftover food would never have gone to waste in the first place, but her argument was brushed aside.

Not wanting to make a scene but worried about the guests getting sick, the Redditor snuck away to talk to the bride. Her older sister was highly embarrassed by the truth. She confessed to hearing their mother mention something about saving money, but didn’t question it because of a desire not to pay a high bill like OP. The older sibling asked OP not to eat the food and thanked her for the warning. Still, the Reddit user didn’t let things end there. Seeing as nothing was being done to fix things, OP and her husband decided to take matters into their own hands.

The couple discreetly went around telling guests to be weary of the food, but the rest of the event went flawlessly. OP’s mother was judged for being cheap, while relatives claimed the Redditor intentionally made her family look bad. They felt the food was okay because it had been frozen before being defrosted for her sister’s wedding. OP added,“They say no one would have known if I didn’t make a stink over it.”

OP was curious to know if she did anything wrong and revealed that she was posting to Reddit for guidance. She wanted clarity on whether she should be apologizing or not. Reddit users didn’t disappoint with their opinions. One person was sure that OP wasn’t wrong. The reader felt the main issue wasn’t that the food was stored for eight months but that it sat on the buffet table at OP’s wedding for however long before being placed in her mother’s car and then frozen. They stated, “This is not only tacky but super dangerous.”

“NTA- has nothing to do with it being frozen but HOW it was frozen, stored, and then thawed out. Unless mom has a food handler training, I’m sure that food had ‘extras,’” another reader commented.

“Even if it was safely frozen correctly… Obvi not, just humour me… the texture/taste would be absolute dog [expletive]. OP was absolutely in the right for warning people!” someone else added. Most readers were put off by the frozen leftovers and thought OP was right to be concerned. If you enjoyed that story, then you’ll love this one about a starving boy who ate leftovers at a café before the waiter took matters into his own hands.

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