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What Does It Mean When A Person Who Has Passed Away Appears In Your Dream

Every person experiences the pain of losing a loved one at some point in their lives.

But, the loss of a particular loved one can have a greater impact on us than we anticipate.

Have you ever, for instance, dreamt about a person who is no longer living? You may not have given any thought to the significance of their appearance in your dreams.

Everyone grieves differently after the loss of a loved one. Many people cry their hearts out, while others go silent and withdraw inward.

Some people act as if nothing has happened or try to avoid thinking about it. Nonetheless, many people share the practice of remembering departed loved ones in their dreams.

The subconscious decides what we dream about at night, and if you’ve ever dreamed about a dead person, it could imply something.

So, can dead people communicate with us in our dreams?

Visitation dreams are what people have when they have visions of the deceased, according to Patrick McNamara, associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Boston University School.

“Dreams of the bereaved where the dead appear to the bereaved in dreams and look to be very much alive,” as McNamara puts it.

The 67-year-old neuroscientist blogs often under the name Dream Catcher on the website Psychology Today.

McNamara has written extensively about dreams and their interpretation. And he claims there’s generally a rational explanation for visitation dreams.

They aid in the process of healing from emotional trauma.

He writes about a dream he had after the death of his parents. McNamara argued that this type of dream, known as a “visitation dream,” was evidence of survival after physical death after having one himself.

The loss of a loved one is a profound experience, often reflected in dreams.

Have you ever wondered what it means to dream of someone who has passed away?

These dreams can play a significant role in the healing process.

Visitation dreams, where the deceased appear, help many cope with grief.

A 2014 study found these dreams often show the departed as healthy and at peace, providing comfort.

In 2016, Canadian researchers found 67.1% of people who experienced such dreams felt they strengthened their belief in an afterlife, while 70% saw them as visits from the departed.

Common traits of visitation dreams include peaceful feelings and communication beyond words.

Have you experienced such a dream?

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