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This Blond Waitress Solved Their Argument in the Most Unexpected Way!

This Blond Waitress Solved Their Argument in the Most Unexpected Way!

A couple driving through Natchitoches argued over its pronunciation—

“Natch-ee-tush” vs. “Natch-i-toosh.”

They asked a waitress at a diner to say it slowly, and she responded, “Na… tchi… to… ches,” settling the debate with laughter.

In Broussard, another couple couldn’t agree on whether it was “Broo-sar” or “Brew-sard.”

The waitress helped by saying it slowly:

“Brrr…-oo…-ssa…-rrd,” and they agreed on “Broussard.”

A third couple debated Chitimacha, unsure whether it was “Chit-i-mash-uh” or “Chit-i-mak-uh.”

After the waitress said “Chii… ti… maa… chaa,” they decided on the latter.

These stories highlight how local pronunciations in Louisiana lead to humorous debates,

often resolved by a friendly waitress offering the final, slow enunciation.

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