There is a little boy who wants a bike..

There is a little boy who wants a bike.. So he goes and asks his mom for a bike to which she replies that maybe if he prays, god will bring him a bike.

So he sits down and writes Jesus a letter ..” Dear jesus, if you give me a bike I wont sin for 1 year..”

He walks down to the mailbox but before leaving the house sees his mother’s statue of Virgin Mary and suddenly feels guilty because he wont be able to avoid sin for that long. Defeated he heads back upstairs. So he sits down and writes Jesus another letter ..” Dear Jesus, if you give me a bike I wont sin for 6 months..”

He walks down to the mailbox but before leaving the house sees the statue of Virgin Mary and feels guilty again. So, he picks her up and takes her to his room. He stuffs the statue in his toy box and begins drafting another letter. “Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again, give me a bike..”

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