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Pregnant Woman Demands Family ‘Bend to Her Will’ – MIL Puts Her in Her Place

A mother-in-law tried to accommodate her pregnant daughter-in-law’s needs, but after several arguments and rude comments, she decided to stand her ground.

Becoming a parent can be exciting. It is even more rewarding when one has a supportive family to help through the ups and downs of pregnancy.

This 54-year-old mother revealed that her son Kurt and his wife Becky were expecting their first child together.

However, she took it to Reddit to explain how her daughter-in-law’s pregnancy started changing her behavior.

The Original Poster (OP) said she and Becky had always had a good relationship, but they started hitting a few walls when she fell pregnant.

The soon-to-be grandmother felt that Becky wanted special treatment because she was pregnant with their grandchild.

She mentioned a few examples of some of the unusual things Becky had done.

One was when her husband Rick and Kurt spoke about their finances, and Becky told them to start saving for their grandchild.

On another day, the mother made lunch and prepared chicken for her daughter-in-law because the pregnancy did not allow her to have cold meat.

But Becky kept rudely commenting on the cold cuts and the wine they were drinking.

According to the Redditor, Becky did not want her husband to drink while she was pregnant, but Kurt did not entertain her.

The bigger conflict occurred when the OP and her children planned their summer holiday.

The 54-year-old explained that she and her husband had built a second home with three floors. The home had been in the works for years, and the family was finally excited to make their trip in the summer.

Kurt is her stepson, but she is the only mother he has ever known. She and Rick also have two children, Tim, 23, and Cassie, 21, who were excited to have an activity-filled vacation.

They plan to go scuba diving, visit the amusement park, attend a few parties, and even have friends at the new home. However, as Tim and Cassie discussed their plans, Becky got upset.

She said she was pregnant and that the trip should not only be about drinking and having parties. Becky even went as far as planning ahead, saying that the next trip would not include any gatherings because she would have a small child.

But Tim told her she did not have to worry because she was not forced to participate in any activities. This still did not sit well with Becky, so she called her mother-in-law to express her grievances.

The mother-to-be felt it was unfair for no one to consider all the activities she could not participate in, but the Redditor assured her there would be a lot for her to do. The OP reminded her not to concern herself with what Tim and Cassie were doing.

Becky continued to ask her mother-in-law to limit the parties, but she refused. Instead, the Redditor told her she would get a room upstairs where she wouldn’t be bothered, but that only made her angrier. “She also accused me of caring less because Kurt is not my son (not true),” revealed the OP.

After making such accusations, the OP told Becky to book her own place where she would not be disturbed, but she accused the Redditor of excluding her. “I reminded her she spent many nights out drinking when she was their age and that the world can’t revolve around her just because she is pregnant,” added the 54-year-old.

The Redditor turned to her readers and asked if she was wrong for not giving her daughter-in-law what she wanted. Commenters did not think the OP was wrong, but most thought this was the beginning of her turbulent relationship with Becky.

Redditors believed Becky had crossed a line by making everyone walk on eggshells and using her pregnancy to get what she wanted. Others worried about Kurt because his wife seemed controlling. But readers advised the OP to stand her ground because she already made enough accommodations for Becky.

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