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People Who Saw the Most Shocking Events

Life often surprises us in ways we never expect.

Some surprises bring happiness,

while others can be shocking, painful, or even life-changing.

The stories people experience sometimes feel like scenes from a movie,

leaving everyone involved in complete disbelief.

This story happened two years ago during my first semester of college.

There was a girl in my class who never spoke to the teacher.

No matter how many times he called on her or asked her a question,

she always remained silent.

In fact, I can’t recall ever hearing her voice at all.

One day, the teacher grew visibly frustrated.

Assuming her silence was out of disrespect, he lost his temper and snapped,

“What’s wrong? Didn’t anyone teach you how to speak?”

The girl stood up calmly,

walked over to the whiteboard,

took the marker from his hand, and wrote, “I am mute, you fool.”

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