Old Man On Motorcycle Races With Lamborghini

A rich man buys a new Lamborghini. It’s the most expensive car in the world, and he wants to show it off, so he takes it out for a spin.

At the first red light, an old moped pulls up next to him. The old driver looks at the smooth, shiny surface of the car and asks, “What kind of wheels have you got, son?”

The man replies: “It’s a Lamborghini. It sells for about a million and a half.” The old man is shocked: “That’s a lot of money. Why are they so expensive?” “Because these babies go 320 miles an hour!” says the cool guy proudly. The gentleman on the moped asks, “Can I take a look inside?” “Sure,” says the owner. The old man sticks his head in the window and looks around.

Leaning back on the moped, the old man says, “This is a very nice car!”

Just then, the red light turns green and the man decides to step on the gas. Soon the speedometer reads 320. Suddenly he notices a dot in his rearview mirror that is getting closer and closer. He slows down to see what it could be and oooooosh! Something is passing him at an incredible speed. The man marvels, “What could be faster than my car?!” Then, in front of him, he sees the same point coming back. Whoooooosh! It passes him again, going in the opposite direction. He almost looks like the old man on the moped. “Oh no,” he mutters to himself. “How can a moped pass my Lamborghini?!” There’s that damn spot in his mirror again. Whoooooosh! Ka-booooooom! It hits the back of his car, destroying the back end. The guy jumps out of the car and it’s the old man! Of course, the moped and the rider are badly hurt, so he kneels down next to him and says, “You’re badly hurt – is there anything I can do for you? The old man moans, “Yes… take my suspenders off your side mirror.

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