My Husband Forgot the Date of Our Anniversary for 10 Years — I Made Sure He Would Remember It Forever

Marriage is a journey that often comes with its fair share of ups and downs.

The story of my own marriage has been marked by a decade of shared experiences, love, and, unfortunately, a recurring lapse in memory on a significant date. For 10 years, my husband and I have celebrated our wedding anniversary, and for 10 years, he has failed to wish me a simple “happy anniversary.” His excuse? The classic “I can’t remember everything.” Needless to say, frustration had been building up within me, and this year, I decided to make my husband remember our date for life.With determination and a dash of mischief, I embarked on a mission to teach my forgetful husband a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. Brad, my husband, is a co-founder and director at a large firm. Seizing the opportunity, I enlisted the help of his business partner, who happened to be a good friend of mine. Together, we hatched a plan that would turn the tables on Brad’s selective memory.

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