Meet Little Johnny, a spirited 7th grader blessed with an insatiable curiosity.
He keeps his teacher on her toes by asking a flurry of questions!
One afternoon, Johnny approached his English teacher and pondered aloud,
‘Why do we skip pronouncing some letters, like the
‘H’ in words such as Hour and Honour?’
The English teacher gently explained,
“We don’t actually skip them; those letters are considered silent.”
This explanation, however, left Johnny more puzzled than before.
Later during the lunch break, his teacher
handed Johnny her packed lunch and asked him to warm it up in the cafeteria.
Returning to the classroom, Johnny handed back an empty lunch container.
“What happened?” asked the teacher, surprised.
“I asked you to HEAT my food, and you’re returning an empty container!”
Johnny replied earnestly,
“Madam, I thought the ‘H’ was silent.”
This little tale is a tribute to all English teachers everywhere,
patiently navigating the whimsical world of language and its learners.