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Identity Revealed: Man Accused of Making Bomb Threat – His Background Will Surprise You!

Identity Revealed: Man Accused of Making Bomb Threat – His Background Will Surprise You!

In a shocking incident that has raised concerns about security and public safety, authorities in

Florida have arrested a man accused of making a bomb threat during a 9-1-1 call.

The suspect, identified as Justin Blaxton from Loxahatchee,

Florida—who went by the alias “Justin Blaze”

In a shocking incident that has raised concerns about security and public safety, authorities in

Florida have arrested a man accused of making a bomb threat during a 9-1-1 call.

The suspect, identified as Justin Blaxton from Loxahatchee,

Florida—who went by the alias “Justin Blaze”

According to a probable cause affidavit from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office,

Blaxton allegedly stated that he had the ability to hack into missile systems.

Investigators have taken his statements seriously, given the nature of the threats.

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