A 63-year-old man cheated with a 23-year-old woman – but then his wife said something unexpected

Sometimes you have to tell a white lie to get out of a complicated situation. We were all there: you did something you were not supposed to…

I have 3 jokes…

“I have 3 jokes.” “What are those?” “Joke! Joke! Joke!” “HAHHAHAHAHA!” “I have 2 more jokes.” “Spill.” “Joke! Joke!” “HAHAHA” “One more joke left.” “What is it?”…


A man goes to confession, saying, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” He tells the priest he used the “F-word” over the weekend. The priest instructs…

How did your chickens become

A man sat at a local bar and said: “This is a special day, l’m celebrating.” “What a coincidence”, said the woman next to him, “I’m celebrating,…

The old man gets really upset

An old man goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the time the food is ready and he is about to eat, the waiter…

A man and his wife are discussing what they believe their son will be when he grows up.

A man and his wife are discussing what they believe their son will become when he grows up. “I have an idea,” the father declares. He places…

One day little Johnny asks his father

One day little Johnny asks his father “Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?” Wife was cooking dinner when she heard little Johnny ask, so…

Boyfriend Is Cheating a Funny Story

A Blonde Suspects That Her Boyfriend Is Cheating On Her, So She Goes Out And Buys A Gun. She Goes To His Apartment That Same Day, With…

A Doctor And His Wife Were Having A Big Argument

A Doctor And His Wife Were Having A Big Argument At Breakfast. He Shouted At Her, “You Aren’t So Good In Bed Either!” Then Stormed Off To…

The honeymoon couple left the wedding reception

The honeymoon couple left the wedding reception and hailed a cab to take them to their romantic boutique hotel in the hills. The driver wasn’t too sure…