They Say Men Don’t Listen To Women
A man asked his wife what she wanted for her 40th birthday. “I’d like to be six again,” she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he…

Getting Slapped While Sitting At A Bar
Redneck Ray is sitting in a bar in Houston, quietly sipping a beer. Suddenly, a burly man walks in and slaps Ray so hard that he falls…

An elderly couple decides to live
An elderly couple decides to live it up a little and go to McDonald’s… When they order the food, the old man divides the fries in half…

The old man gets really upset
An old man goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the time the food is ready and he is about to eat, the waiter…

How did your chickens become
A man sat at a local bar and said: “This is a special day, l’m celebrating.” “What a coincidence”, said the woman next to him, “I’m celebrating,…

5 Stories of How People’s Lives Changed Dramatically at an Elderly Age
Think life stops surprising you after a certain age? Well, think again, because whether it’s finding family or rekindling old flames, these tales will remind you that…

A man and his wife are discussing what they believe their son will be when he grows up.
A man and his wife are discussing what they believe their son will become when he grows up. “I have an idea,” the father declares. He places…

My Sister Tried to Outsmart Me by Bringing Her Son to My Child-Free Wedding, but Learned a Hard Lesson
A woman’s sister wished to have her “no children in attendance” rule broken so she could bring her super-active child. However, the bride-to-be managed to outsmart her…

After getting caught in a large group
Little Johnny was with his mom as she was driving her old beat-up car on the Highway. She tried to keep up with traffic but they were…

My Mother-In-Law Gave Me Plastic Earrings While My Sister-In-Law Got a Diamond Necklace
My mother-in-law gave me plastic earrings. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law got a diamond necklace. I didn’t know how to react, so I just smiled awkwardly. As soon as…