Greedy Dad Wants His Daughter to Inherit His Wife’s Family Necklace Intended for His Stepdaughter

A woman had a family heirloom she planned to pass on to her daughter.

Her husband, however, had other plans and wanted her to give it to his daughter from another marriage.

When you have a family heirloom, you’re simply a guardian, ensuring it is passed on from generation to generation.

One woman planned to do that until her husband wanted her to do things differently.

She asked for help on Reddit to determine whether she was wrong for giving the heirloom to her daughter as initially planned.

Her husband had been gaslighting her, and it has affected their relationship.

New Marriage, New Expectations

The woman, 35, had been married to her husband, Joey, for two years.

Before they tied the knot, they had been dating for four years and had daughters from previous relationships.

“​​My family has a tradition of giving an emerald necklace that’s passed down from a mother to their eldest daughter or son on their 14th birthday,” she started her story. Her daughter, Emily, is set to turn 14 in January.

Her husband, Joey, knew of their family tradition since they began dating. He also knew she planned to give the necklace to Emily. When the topic of Christmas gifts came, Joey suggested that his daughter Sophia get the emerald jewelry instead of Emily.

He felt it was the perfect way for his wife to show how she accepted Sophia as her daughter. The woman didn’t like this idea. Emily was always aware of the family tradition and waited to receive the necklace. She made this clear to her husband, but he wouldn’t budge.

Husband Accused Her of Favoritism

Joey accused his wife of favoring Emily over Sophia. He felt he was being selfish and that she could easily buy another necklace from Amazon to give to Emily.

The woman stood her ground and said the necklace was going to her daughter whether he liked it or not. Since that conversation, Joey has been giving her the silent treatment except when they’re in front of the two children.

Joey went so far as to tell his mom and sister about the incident, and they, too, started accusing the woman of favoritism. They pressed that she should give the necklace to Sophia, as Joey had insisted.

Internet Users Shared Their Thoughts on the Story

The concerned mom took to Reddit for opinions. She wondered whether she was wrong for insisting on something, especially now that it’s taken a toll on her marriage.

“The ‘favoring your child over mine’ argument is pinnacle hypocrisy too. Because isn’t he favoring his child over hers be starting up this argument?” one user asked.

“Your bio daughter should get the family heirloom – and your bonus daughter should be a new blended family treasure,” another suggested. “I suspect he wanted his daughter to have the expensive jewelry that he didn’t have to pay for,” one concluded. Reddit users showed the woman full support. They felt her reasons were utterly justified, and her husband, Joey, was way out of line.

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