Once, two old friends who hadn’t seen each other in years finally got a chance to reunite.
They were excited to reconnect, sharing stories about their families and laughing about the memories they once made.
As they caught up, one of them couldn’t help but ask about the other’s children.
Curious, she asked, «How’s your son doing these days?»
The mother let out a deep sigh and replied, «Oh, my son!
His marriage isn’t going so well.
His wife barely lifts a finger around the house—
she spends most of her time in bed, either napping or with her nose in a book.
Can you imagine? He even takes her breakfast in bed!»
Her friend shook her head, sympathizing, and then asked, «That sounds tough.
And what about your daughter?
How’s she getting on in her marriage?»
The mother’s face lit up with a big smile.
«Oh, my daughter is incredibly fortunate!
She married the most wonderful man.
He does everything at home.
Every morning, he brings her breakfast in bed, and she gets to enjoy her mornings relaxing.
It’s like something out of a fairy tale!»
This humorous tale reminds us how different perspectives can shape how we view life.
Sometimes, what seems like a burden for one is a blessing for another.
Embracing life’s unpredictability and finding joy in unexpected moments can make the journey all the more delightful.